Animated Hands with Weapons Pack – Free Download


This pack includes animated hands with 18 types of weapons, each having its own set of animations. Here’s a summary of each weapon and its details:

1. FPS Hands and Automatic Rifle (12 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Idle Other

– Recharge

– Run

– Shot

– Walk

2. FPS Hands and Axe (8 animations)

– Get

– Idle

– Idle Other

– Walk

– Run

– Attack

– Attack2

– Hide

3. Hands and Flashlight (6 animations)

– Get

– Idle

– Walk

– Run

– Attack

– Hide

4. FPS Hands and Grenade (5 animations)

– Get

– Idle

– Throw

– Walk

– Run

5. FPS Hands and Grenade-Gun (10 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Recharge

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Run

– Shot

– Walk

6. FPS Hands and Gun (13 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Aiming Shot End

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Idle Other

– Recharge

– Run

– Shot

– Shot End

– Walk

7. FPS Hands and Knife (8 animations)

– Get

– Idle

– Idle Other

– Walk

– Run

– Attack

– Attack2

– Hide

8. FPS Hands and Shotgun (13 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Idle Other

– Recharge End

– Recharge

– Recharge Beginning

– Shot

– Run

– Walk

9. FPS Hands and Sniper Rifle (10 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Recharge

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Run

– Shot

– Walk

10. FPS Hands and Tommy-gun (11 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Recharge

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Run

– Shot

– Walk

– Idle Other

11. FPS Hands and Gun03 (10 animations)

– Aiming Idle

– Aiming Shot

– Aiming Walk

– Get

– Hide

– Idle

– Recharge

– Run

– Shot

– Walk

Each weapon comes with PBR textures, including Albedo, AO, Metallic, and Normal maps, all with a size of 2048×2048 (or 4096×4096 for some weapons). Additionally, the polygon counts for each weapon are provided:

– Polys: Varying between 777 and 20,470

– Tris: Varying between 1,336 and 36,346

– Verts: Varying between 671 and 18,911

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