Enviro’s new volumetric cloud system is based on the latest cloud rendering papers. These will bring your sky to life and offer plenty of options to customize. In addition, there are also fast flat cloud options to mix or use for maximum performance.
Need stunning-looking fog? Enviro includes an advanced light scattering fog image effect with distance, height and sky fog support. Need fog on your transparent material? No problem, with only a few lines of code you could modify your own transparent shaders to be fogged correctly. And a few particle and transparent shaders already included getting you started!
Volumetric Lighting:
Need some volume light effects you see in AAA games? No problem, the enviro supports volumetric lighting for directional, point, and spotlights out of the box!
Enviro includes a very powerful weather system. You can create your own weather types and drive light, sky, fog, and clouds. Enviro supports all kinds of unity shuriken particle effects to give you the freedom to create any weather effect you can think of. It includes 11 premade weather types including Clear Sky, cloudy, raining, stormy, snowy, and foggy weather. You can enable lightning storms and choose different ambient and weather sounds for each weather with smooth transitions.
Enviro supports UNet and Photon out of the box. It will synchronize time and weather with all your players. Enviro also got a minimal mode for headless servers to only calculate time and weather but nothing more.
Virtual Reality:
Enviro supports multi and single-pass stereoscopic rendering! Tested on Oculus Rift. (Attention: Single-pass currently only supported on Unity 2017+ !)
That’s not all! Enviro includes a lot more great features:
* Event system for your game logic.
* Weather Zones. Create as many zones with their own weather for your biomes.
* Orbiting satellites.
* Vegetation Growth.
Check out the details from the Unity Asset Store:
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