Collecticon – Game Template – Unity Asset


Collecticon Game Project Overview

This document provides an overview of Collecticon, a sample 2.5D arcade game that is ready to be explored and extended by you.

Game Features

Collecticon comes with a variety of features:

Complete Project

The game includes a main menu, level selection, and 10 example levels. This provides a comprehensive starting point for your game development.

Custom Editors and Menu Items

Collecticon features custom editors and menu items that allow you to easily design new levels. This makes the game highly customizable and adaptable to your specific needs.

Animated Level Selection

The game offers an animated level selection feature, enhancing the user experience and making the game more engaging.

Smooth Scene Transitions

Collecticon ensures smooth scene transitions, providing seamless gameplay and a professional feel.

Sound Effects and Background Music

The game includes sound effects (SFX) and background music, enhancing the gaming experience and creating an immersive environment.

Input Support

Collecticon supports keyboard, touch, and gamepad input, making it versatile and accessible on various platforms.


The game has been tested on Windows, ensuring compatibility and smooth performance on this platform.

Source Code

The complete source code is included with this asset, allowing for customization and further development.

Note! You have to pay for this item, but you can get it for free now. Remember, this is only for learning or trying out the product before you buy it, not for use in your business.

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