Sounds Good – Easy & Optimized Audio Manager – Free Download

Unity Asset Download Post


Asset Image 1

License agreement: Yes

File size: 30.46 MB

Latest Version: 1.0.1

Original Unity version: 2021.3.5 or higher

Sounds Good: Effortless Audio Management for Your Games

Sounds Good is an audio manager designed to streamline and simplify the way you implement sound effects, music, and more in your games.

Here’s what Sounds Good can do for you:

  • Effortless Audio Integration: Add sounds to your game with just a single line of code, making audio implementation a breeze.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Manage your game’s audio comfortably and visually thanks to user-friendly editor windows.
  • Optimized Performance: Sounds Good utilizes object pooling and compression presets to ensure a smooth audio experience without sacrificing performance.
  • Simplified Workflow: Streamline your workflow by eliminating tedious and repetitive tasks associated with audio management.
  • Flexibility and Control: Create multiple audio channels for separate audio outputs, offering you granular control over how you manage sound in your game.
  • Easy Configuration: Customize your sounds with ease by chaining functions and reusing them as needed.
  • Accessible for All: Sounds Good provides a user-friendly system that makes audio implementation accessible for developers of all skill levels.

Sounds Good takes the complexity out of audio management, letting you focus on creating a truly immersive soundscape for your game.

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