Free Fall – Accelerometer Arcade – Free Download


Free Fall: Accelerometer-Based Mobile Game


Free Fall offers an exhilarating gaming experience where you control a cube by tilting your phone, navigating it through challenging obstacles. This accelerometer-based game is designed for all mobile devices, promising an engaging and thrilling gameplay session.


  • Ready for Release: The complete game is prepared for launch.
  • Accelerometer Controls: Navigate the game by tilting your device.
  • Unlockable Content: Earn coins to unlock various cube options.
  • Daily Rewards: Enjoy a daily reward system.
  • Free-for-Commercial Use Assets: All assets (sounds, fonts, models, sprites, etc.) are available for commercial use at no cost.
  • Customization: Easily customizable to tailor the gaming experience.
  • iOS and Android Optimization: Optimized for both iOS and Android platforms.
  • C# Codebase: Fully commented C# for easy understanding and modification.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed instructions and guidelines included.

Premium Features

  • Ad Support: Integration for AdColony, AdMob, Chartboost, Heyzap, and Unity Ads.
  • In-App Purchases: Support for in-game purchases.
  • Leaderboards and Achievements: Tracking and showcasing player progress.
  • Real-time Gameplay Recording: Ability to record and share gameplay GIFs on social networks.
  • Social Sharing: Share gameplay screenshots on social networks.
  • Push Notifications: Utilize OneSignal or Firebase for push notifications.
  • Native Rating Popup: Prompt users for app ratings.
  • Native Alerts: Enable native alerts within the game.

Note! You have to pay for this item, but you can get it for free now. Remember, this is only for learning or trying out the product before you buy it, not for use in your business.

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