


• Attack 01
• Attack 02
• Breathe Fire
• Death
• Fire Head 01 (Head/Neck Only)
• Fire Head 02 (Head/Neck Only)
• Fly
• Fly Attack
• Fly Backward
• Fly Breathe Fire
• Fly Death 01 (Loop Start)
• Fly Death 02 (Loop)
• Fly Death 03 (Loop End)
• Fly Dive
• Fly Fast
• Fly Glide
• Fly Got Hit
• Fly Idle
• Fly Static Saddle (Fly Forward w/ Saddle as the center of Mass)
• Got Hit 01
• Got Hit 02
• Idle
• Idle Break
• Look Back Left (Looped)
• Look Back Right (Loop)
• Run
• Tail Whip Left
• Tail Whip Right
• Walk
• Walk Backward

Custom particles (magic spells etc) are included whenever appropriate. The package also includes our entire “Magic Spells & Particles Pack”, so you can create your own magic spells. There are amazing particle packs on the Asset Store — my particles are fine, but can’t compete with those, I do urge all users to investigate which other particle packs fit their project.

Textures will work with legacy shaders (Unity 5 and beyond), and we now include HDRP versions as well.

I suggest you use a tool like Mantis Online (google it, it’s free) for creating your own LODs that fit your project/platform. While it may be convenient to have LODs ready to go, the reality is that poly count requirements are very unique to each individual project, and there is no way that I can create exactly what works for you.

Check out more info & all of our models at InfinityPBR.com
If you do purchase this package, thank you very much! Please leave a rating and review so others can find out what’s what about it! If you have any problems, requests, or anything else, visit me at the forums.

Check out the details & buy a license from the Unity Asset Store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/creatures/dragons-45330


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