Behavior 2 | Game Creator 2 by Catsoft Works – Free Download

Unity Asset Download Post


Asset Image 1

License agreement: Yes

File size: 2.95 MB

Latest Version: 2.1.4

Original Unity version: 2021.3.5 or higher

Bring Your Game Characters to Life with Advanced AI!

This add-on for Game Creator 2 lets you create complex and realistic behavior for your game’s AI characters.

  • Multiple AI Techniques: Choose from four industry-standard methods to create the perfect AI for your game.
  • State Machines: Easy-to-use for beginners, allowing characters to switch between different states (like idle, attacking, or fleeing).
  • Behavior Trees: Organize complex behaviors with a clear visual tree structure.
  • Goal-Oriented AI (GOAP): Characters will figure out the best way to achieve their goals on their own.
  • Utility AI: Create characters with needs and priorities, like the Sims!
  • Includes Everything You Need: Get the source code, examples, and templates to start building your AI right away.

Note: Requires Game Creator 2 to use.

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