Animated model with 25 animations, 10600 triangles and 1 LOD stage (1200 triangles)
Texture size: 2048x2048px texture
Texture formats: TGA and PNG
Albedo, Normal, spec and emissive maps included.
Animation list:
idle, shoot, walkforward, walkbackward, stepright, stepleft, jump, meleeA, meleeB, shutdown, restart, get hit, death, revive, hit02, idle02, shotFast, ShotFastAround, shotSpray, shutDown2, run,walkShotAround, WalkShotFast, idleAlert, Tpose
Texture size: 2048x2048px texture
Texture formats: TGA and PNG
Albedo, Normal, spec and emissive maps included.
Animation list:
idle, shoot, walkforward, walkbackward, stepright, stepleft, jump, meleeA, meleeB, shutdown, restart, get hit, death, revive, hit02, idle02, shotFast, ShotFastAround, shotSpray, shutDown2, run,walkShotAround, WalkShotFast, idleAlert, Tpose