Unity Dog Pack – Free Download


Unity Dog Pack with Meshes optimized to Low Poly version. Pack contains Eight [8] Dog Models:

Bulldog – HP 5836 tris/LP 3294 tris/SLP 1974 tris; 33 Bones, 2 Texture, 1 AO & 1 Normal Map (4k), 30 Animations.

Dachshund – HP 3118/LP 2424 tris; 31 Bones, 3 Textures & 1 Normal Map (2k by 2k), 35 Animations.

Dalmatian – HP 8032/LP 4080/SLP 2152 tris; 34 Bones, 1 Texture, 1 Roughness, 1 AO & 1 Normal Map (4k), 25 Animations.

Doberman – HP 6162/LP 3446/SLP 1520 tris; 34 Bones, 1 Texture & 1 Normal Map (4k), 21 Animations.

German Shepherd – HP 3309/LP 2689 tris; 41 Bones, 3 Texture & 1 Normal Map (2k by 2k), 36 Animations.

Greyhound – HP 6862/LP 3320/SLP 876 tris; 41 Bones, 1 Texture & 1 Normal Map (2k by 2k), 16 Animations.

Tatra Sheepdog – HP 7504/LP 3112 tris; 47 Bones, 3 Texture & 1 Norma l AO Map (2k by 2k), 40 Animations.

Wolf – HP 8468/LP 4498/SLP 2518 tris; 41 Bones, 3 Texture, 1 AO & 1 Normal Map (2k by 2k), 32 Animations.

ALL Models have UNIQE Animations, which is GREAT ASSET to this Pack.

Note! You have to pay for this item, but you can get it for free now. Remember, this is only for learning or trying out the product before you buy it, not for use in your business.

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