Super Multiplayer Shooter Template Game – Free Download

Unity Asset Download Post


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Original Unity version: 2021.3.5 or higher

Easy-to-Use 2D Platformer Shooter Template

This template is a great way to jump-start your new multiplayer project! It provides a solid foundation for a competitive 2D platformer shooter game and is easy to modify to fit your specific needs.

Key Features:

  • Multiplayer: Requires Photon Unity Networking 2 (PUN 2) for smooth multiplayer functionality.
  • Competitive Gameplay: Includes features commonly found in competitive shooters, like matchmaking, timed deathmatch gameplay, leaderboards, and a multi-kill system.
  • Weapon System: Provides a built-in weapon system for your characters.
  • AI: Includes AI for enemies or non-player characters.
  • Camera System: Offers a flexible camera system to adapt to your gameplay.
  • Character Customization: Allows players to customize their characters with cosmetics.
  • Items and Power-Ups: Lets you add item pickups and power-ups to enhance gameplay.
  • Interactive World: Enables you to create interactive world elements for players to engage with.
  • Mobile Support: Works out of the box on mobile devices.
  • Easy to Modify: Built with simplicity in mind for easy customization.
  • Solid Foundation: Provides a stable and efficient base for your game.
  • Free Updates: Get future updates for free!

Overall, this template is a great time-saver for anyone looking to develop a 2D multiplayer platformer shooter game.

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