Retro Horror Template – Free Download

Unity Asset Download Post


Asset Image 1

License agreement: Yes

File size: 100.41 MB

Latest Version: v2.5.3

Original Unity version: 2021.3.5 or higher

Retro Horror Game Template for Unity

The Retro Horror Template is a comprehensive framework for Unity that simplifies the design and creation of horror games using classic mechanics from the PSX/N64 era. This template provides a wide range of features to help developers recreate the nostalgic and immersive experience of classic survival horror games.
Key Features
Camera System
– Fixed camera system for a classic horror game feel
– Pre-rendered background support
– Mapping system and editor for level design
– Global storage box and local containers for item management
### Player Movement
– Tank and alternate player movement styles
– 180-degree turn mechanic
– Look at points of interest
Gameplay Mechanics
– Classic door transition system
– Extendable door locks and cross-scene doors
– Interactable objects
– Inventory system with item examination
– Extendable inventory combinations
– Document reading
– Points of interest and interactions with multiple choices
– Surface detection with dynamic footsteps VFX/SFX
– Actor state system
– Object push mechanic
– Combat system for ranged and melee attacks
– Auto-aiming with target toggle
– Vertical aiming
– Weapon reload
– Status monitor
– Low-health animations and movement reduction
– Included weapons: gun, shotgun, assault rifle, and knife
– Attack combos
Player Abilities
– Simple cinematic player
– Ladder climbing
– Obstacle climbing
– Enemy grabs and finishers
Audio and Visuals
– Music handling system
– Keyboard and gamepad support
With the Retro Horror Template, developers can easily create immersive and nostalgic horror games that capture the essence of classic survival horror titles. The template provides a wide range of features and mechanics, allowing developers to focus on crafting compelling gameplay experiences and narratives.

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