Chat GPT For Games – AI Integration – Free Download



Simple Integration: You can easily add Chat GPT to your game with just two lines of code, as shown in the image above. This works with all the latest Unity versions and platforms.


Version Compatibility: You can use different versions of Chat GPT, like GPT-4, GPT-4-32K, GPT-3.5-TURBO, and GPT-3.5-TURBO-16K. You have full control over chat GPT parameters, including temperature, topP, presence_penalty, and frequency_penalty.

Security: To keep your API secret key safe from hackers, you have the option to use the included Node.js server. This server also includes a rate limiter to prevent abuse of your API.

Well-Written Code: The package includes full source code, which is well-written and commented. The code is lightweight and easy to understand.

Quick Setup: You can set up a conversation in your game with just two lines of code, as demonstrated in the code image above.

Tutorials: There are two tutorials available: a simple one to get you started and an advanced one for complete control over Chat GPT.

NPC Interaction Scene: One scene allows the NPC to receive directions and knowledge from the Unity inspector and interact with the player using ChatGPT. Note that this is an experimental feature.

Game Concept Scenes: There are two game concept scenes included, “Mind Reader” and trivia “True or False,” which you can see in the videos above.

Editor Tools: You can add a Chat GPT window to your Unity editor. This tool helps you generate, comment on, and debug scripts. It’s designed with one window for all your scripting needs, and you can easily drag scripts to and from the project window.

Note! You have to pay for this item, but you can get it for free now. Remember, this is only for learning or trying out the product before you buy it, not for use in your business.

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