Rabia from Mian Wali |Age 40 Saal Unmarried| Shadi Karna Chahti Hoon

Peace be upon you dear friends! Who are you all? I hope SB people will be tired. My name is Neelam Asghar. Asghar is my father’s name. I live in Jhelum. I am 43 years old, still single, not married. You must be thinking that I am 43 years old and still single.

It is obvious that a good relationship is not found nowadays. Even if one is found, many problems arise in evil. Therefore, the relationship should be thought through. So I am 43 years old, why I haven’t found a good relationship yet.

One cannot trust the relationships one finds. So I thought unmarried Rihanna was better. Neither my parents were attracted, but the relationship could not be anywhere. You guys know that when a child’s age is too high, no one gets married. It is said that Larky is old.

It may not be able to be saved. Marriage is not a name for saving and paying. Marriage is the union of two people. Marriage is the name of two people becoming one. Their living and dying become one. If you save, Allah Almighty has to give. May Allah give it or not uski marzi. It has been seen that the young Lark is healthy but not from us

And sometimes it also happens that God has given children to an aged woman. Your children are not in my hands. My children are in the hands of Allah. Give it to whoever you don’t give it as you please. Anyway my education is bachelor. I belong to Rajput family. Height is 5 feet 9 inches.

My family is parents 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Our family is very loving and educated family. Even for marriage, I have this demand that the boy should be educated, working or doing business. And I have no demand.

Anyone interested can contact me. For rebating your contact number in a good comment, my family will be rebating you. But please grace and timepass will stay away from my post. Surf interested and serious people. Don’t waste your time and ours. Thank you very much

42 Comments on “Rabia from Mian Wali |Age 40 Saal Unmarried| Shadi Karna Chahti Hoon”

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    1. میرا نام محمدرمضان میرا سلری 60 ہزار واٹس اپ نمبر پر رابط کرے 03019916887

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  3. میرا نام محمد جمشید ہے
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  9. اسلام علیکم جی محترم میرا نام مسلم بلوچ ہے اور تعلیم میٹرک ہے اور پیشہ زمیندار ہوں اپنا زاتی زمین ہیں عمر 49 سال ہے الحمد لله الله پاک نے بہت زبردست اور بہترین صحت عطا فرمائی ہے اور میں دوسری شادی کرنا، چاہتا ہوں اور یہ میرا رابطہ نمبر ہے 03108844748

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