Peace be upon you friends!! how are you all I hope you all are doing well. I pray that you are always happy and always settled. My name is Noreen, I live in Karachi, the biggest city of SB, Pakistan.
The name of the province is Sindh. I am 52 years old. I am a widow. I have a child. Who lives with me. After 5 years of marriage, Main became a widow. I now want to get married again.
I have the great power of the city to be with me and share my sorrows. I need an authority figure to support me.
Why is it so dangerous for a woman to be alone in today’s critical age? People don’t let a woman live alone. I have a child who is 7 years old.
My first marriage was in 2012 with one child. My city was very good. We are living happily. Then suddenly our happiness was noticed by someone?
Noreen from Karachi 52 years old Triple talaq should be remarried.
It was 5 years after our marriage, my husband went on retirement, he was working in a factory. The salary was also coming. We are very happy with our life.
City salary used to get by well and we save some at the end of the month. Then my city suddenly got hepatitis disease. At first we did not take it seriously. I got the knowledge from the nearby doctors, from which time has made a difference.
But diseases like Jessie are also more common. Then we went to the naked hospital and to good doctors. Hepatitis had gone to the last stage.
But by then it was too late. We tried our best but to no avail. My city became weaker day by day. And lay down with the bed.
Noreen from Karachi 52 years old A widow has to remarry.

I m from Gilgit Baltistan I want to
i want to marry you do you love
Mustafa Khan. From NEW ZEALAND.
Looking for a partner. I am 65 yrs Divorced.
New Zealand citizen. Engineer.
Watsup +64210757105.
I am in Lahore. Going back next week.
So please contact me soon
i want to marry you do you love
میں ملتان سے ہوں اور شادی کرنا چاہتا ہوں میری عمر 40 سال ہے میرے چار بچے ہیں اور یہ میری دوسری شادی ہے
Hi 0347 7393 353, watsapp
اسلام علیکم جناب 03036669878
Yes I want to marry with Noreen. Age 47
میری عمر 55سال ہے اور میں شادی کر نا چاھتا ہوں
My wife died my age is 44 jub gov’t employ I live in Azad Kashmir
Status. Single
Abrar Abrar
Nice Noreen I am 37 year old my number is 03230745581
I’m interested in Mahree n, I’m widower my wife died 3 years ago, I’m interested in 2nd marriage age 35 to 40 years wodow/ divorced/ unmarried female.
Aziz khan from krachi tlaqiyafta se shade sunati rasol he I am ready to the marriage with you I love you too ❤️
Mere age 33a noren se shaadi karna chahta Hoon
Aziz khan from krachi tlaqiyafta se shade sunati rasol he
Noreen Karachi, age 52, Assalamu Alaikum, I want to marry you for the second time. If you agree, I will retire from the army. Age 58, height 5.10, Smart Education, FA, Multan City.